Friday, 23 October 2015

Why Should You Choose Eco Clothing for Babies?

Words like organic and sustainable are getting really popular and bandied around a lot – which is great!  Eco clothing is becoming really popular with time and a lot of brands and designers are coming up with their organic clothing collections.  Choosing organic clothing can be a great way to introduce your baby to green living. It is very important to keep your baby healthy an therefore choosing this kind of clothing for your baby is a responsible choice that will be great for their mind, body and health! There are a lot of reasons why you should consider buying eco clothing for your baby

  • Porous skin -  As compared to adults, baby's skin is more porous and this means that a baby's skin absorb things easily as compared to an adult's skin.
  • Sensitivity – Another reason why you should go for all natural clothing when it comes to your baby is that a baby's skin is far more sensitive than adults. These clothes are not treated with any pesticides, therefore they can be really good for your baby!
  • Less exposure to pesticides and toxins – These clothes are processed without any harmful chemicals or pesticides. More than 25% of pesticides used worldwide are used on cotton plants. A lot of these are considered to be very dangerous to your health. Also more than 10% of worlds insecticides are used on cotton. 1 pound of pesticides and chemical fertilizers are used to produce every pair of cotton jeans and t-shirt!
  • Longevity – If you use conventionally produced cotton, it will last around 10-20 washes and then the fabric will start breaking down. On the other hand, fabric made from organic cotton lasts for around 100 washes before it starts breaking down. This happens because cotton that is conventionally grown takes so much abuse in production because in its production through all the dying, bleaching, scouring, softeners, formaldehyde spray and so on!
There are many other reasons why you should choose eco clothing for your kid. If you wish to buy this clothing, you can also consider - Satva Living . The company it is a certified organic lifestyle apparel brand for women and kids that is not only making organic lifestyle wear stylish and affordable, but is helping to change social and economic issues plaguing India’s organic agricultural communities.

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